More than 100 years ago, Beiersdorf invented modern skin care with the NIVEA cream. Today millions of different skin types worldwide trust the NIVEA brand. That is why the NIVEA researchers worked intensively on the individuality of human skin and its need for care, depending on culture, gender and age. Over the decades, Beiersdorf has developed many innovative skin care products in this way – from deodorant to sun protection.

The first NIVEA advertising film was launched in the 1920s. The cartoon spot deals with the fact that Eulalia meets an animated NIVEA cream tube. With the help of the NIVEA cream and the available NIVEA complexion powder, Eulalia is rejuvenated and breaks the hearts of all. The spot was of course extremely long for today’s conditions with just under 2 minutes.

Today the television spots are much shorter. It is difficult to tell full stories in a TV advertisement that the customers can understand. TV spots always have to tell small stories that are either informative or emotionally touching the customer.

Agency: FCB Zurich Switzerland