The Festival Strings Lucerne opens up to the listener a cosmos of sound rooted in the Viennese string tradition and, associated with it, the special passion for performing works of Viennese classical music and the desire to make a music, art and festival city like Lucerne visible all over the world. The subscription concerts in the KKL Lucerne, in the Schweizerhof and now also in the Art Museum: with music from the Renaissance to contemporary music.

The Festival Strings Lucerne also want to seduce on numerous guest tours in the new season. The concert tours take you from Los Angeles, Atlanta, metropolises such as New York, Chicago and Boston and other cities in the USA via Berlin, Hamburg, Bologna, Milan and Rome to Singapore, Hong Kong and Seoul. International top stars appreciate the conductor-free interaction with the Festival Strings Lucerne as much as the music-loving Lucerne audience.

At home in Lucerne, youth support is a matter of the heart. It begins with the regional support program, which is enthusiastically received year after year by the participating 11 to 18 year olds. The lessons during the talent week and the participation in the concerts of the professionals as a member of the so-called talent strings. The young talents will also become members of the Steinway Pricewinner Concert Network – a network for the promotion of promising international competition winners – of which the Festival Strings Lucerne has been a member since 2020.

Agency and fotos: Festival Strings Lucerne